Glade of Scar quest
Boss could use some company and some insta buffs when we meet him. He was dead really fast. I would also suggest giving hi ma bit of meat on, to make him last.
The encounters were good, mostly the boss at the end that was a wimp.
Area could be a bit bigger? Seems to have gone by too fast :D but that's just me.
Anyone else have comments on the quest?
Think that about sums it up. Boss defo needs a boost and or maybe a few minions to help him while he buffs up?
@TheMinionOfArabel said in Glade of Scar quest:
Area could be a bit bigger?
I took the area that used to be part of the forest and just made it a quest. It's a druid glade, not a whole forest section so I dont think (in this case) that bigger will be (necessarily ) better.
It should be difficult though so maybe raising the # of spawns per group would make it last a bit longer?
I've buffed the boss and given him some toys to play with.
I think the encounter themselves were good. We were buffed after all, and a good enough group. Boss's really what need a boost.
It can stay small. Not all quests need to be long, you are right :)
boss now has friends as well as trinkets and toys to play with
i watched a group do this one recently and it seemed to be sufficiently difficult -