Allow the purchase of brew potion and craft wand feats
This has been brought up before but I think it warrants bringing up again since alchemy now allows a larger selection of potions to be made by anyone.
Allowing the feats to be purchased would not be overpowering and perhaps encourage clerics and druids to brew and make wands
my concern is that i who play a sorcerer have a very limited amount of feats, if i am capable of sinking money into getting feats for wand/potion/scroll making my pc a lot more powerful very quickly
crafting takes a lot of time, and i save most of my time by having a small army of other players help me gather items/go out exploring for resources in return for discounts and plot investments
if i can just buy feats, then i will have instant access and only need a quick quest to make up for any loss. and casters are already very powerful as it is
just the fact sorcerers cant make scrolls without a feat investment, but wizards gets it for free makes already quite the difference
The price for feats would be high though
Like on EfU it used to be 5000 for brew potion and 10000 for craft wand, so a decent sized gold investment.
Got a sound off about it from the rest of the team and its not gonna happen. Sorry.
If a player wants to make potions/wands but doesnt want to spend their precious feats they can work up the CNR ladder, which doesnt even take your XP.If you dont want to grind the CNR ladder, you can take the feats. Cant have it both ways.
@v-rage said in Allow the purchase of brew potion and craft wand feats:
would not be overpowering
Doesn't over power, but does remove some of the meaningful decisions with builds - it would mean you would never take the crafting feats on level up, because you'd always at some point be able to amass the gold. This grants any character that can take the crafting feats, more feats. The number of feats is a balancing factor around things like SF/GSF - if we were to do this (we aren't gonna) then we'd need to look at all of those benefits (and others) related to other feats.
But at the same time someone who uses CNR can make a wide range of potions, Like healing, barkskin, lesser restores, haste and more
Even with buying feats you wouldnt be able to do this unless you were a cleric multiclass and had a domain with barkskin.
It also allows specialised casters to make potions from their forbidden school in some instances which they couldnt do with the feat
So in a sense CNR alchemy is superior to the brew potion feat
@v-rage said in Allow the purchase of brew potion and craft wand feats:
healing has been removed
@v-rage said in Allow the purchase of brew potion and craft wand feats:
barskin is an item now, which takes longer to fire than a potion
the most used spells, being shield, blur and stoneskin, are not available in alchemy. Just with those three, anyone with the brew potion or craft wand feet will make a fortune.
And getting to the haste, deathward and higher pots takes a lot of work in CNR to be able to make them successfully. Its time consuming.
Think it is fine as it is.
@v-rage said in Allow the purchase of brew potion and craft wand feats:
Like healing, barkskin, lesser restores, haste and more
Cant make healing potions via alchemy any more, just healing kits.
The list is always up for review, for example, I removed stoneskin, shield, and blur from crafting also. There are some potions that can only be made via brew potion feat, including stoneskin. I would consider a few others that could/should be removed (remove blindness/deafness comes to mind). -