haunted halls fall bug
Area name:
Issue Location:haunted halls bottom layer
Quest Name:
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NPC Name:
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Screen Shot:
Time: https://www.timeanddate.com/Issue Description:
I fell from a jump in the second level of the haunted halls, came to this place where there was no way out of. the jump was to the west of the large room that had 3 connecting squares, where the pc marker is. -
The door is in the toolset.
IDK why it's not showing up IG. Maybe a tileset issue? Will look into it further.
Use the z-transition
Custom > Special (4 or 5) Toolset Placeable Transition, and use the waypoint tag you want to send players to via the sDest variable on it.
You can change the appearance of it from a bubble to a door as well if you want.
Fix attempted v7592