A few minor tweaks to the paladin class
The last month and a half, I have done some solid testing of the paladin class. And based on my observations, I have some suggestions to the class. From what I have seen since coming back, everyone and their mother create aasimar paladins, because the class without a subrace is quite a lot weaker than it should be.
- May lay of hands and smite evil, the two corner stone abilities of the paladin, increase in uses as you level.
- My suggestion would be 1/3 level, so it becomes 2 uses at 6th, and 3 uses at 9th.
Extra smite should then add 2 more uses still.
To offset this, my suggestion is secondly to lower the number of spells per day paladins get. I have decreased slightly when the spells are given, and removed entirely 1 lvl 1 spell slot and 1 lvl 2 spell slot.
It would then look like this:I would also suggest giving divine shield at 6th, and divine might at 9th. It would significantly help balance the class for NON aasimar / dracontouched paladins, but it might be too much for the subrace variant of paladins.
I figure I should add in my actual argumentation.
- Aasimar or dragontouched paladins are crazy powerful. Humans are far less so, and other subraces are suffering badly from the very few feats they get.
- They have way too many spells. I can safely buff one or two others with protection against evil, bulls and weapon enchantments on quests, and still have spells left for myself.
Allowing them more uses of their class abilities, would not in any way tip the scale towards making them even more powerful, as all class abilities are tied to charisma. But to ensure it does not happen, lowering the spells per day would be a good way to ensure some balance still.
Our most successful paladins impact/story-wise have all been humans though :) Sure, freaks are more powerful, but with the aasimar race requiring an application now and reason behind it. Not everyone and their mother is a aasimar paladin. Plus, it is the assimars favoured class, soooo kinda makes sense they are good for it? :3
I would like to see some more data become making any other major changes to paladins, we only recently changed them and it would be good to give it time before tweaking too much.
So far the paladins have seem okay, no major changes planned as of yet