Craft Stations for Tilverton
None of the Craft Stations in Tilverton are added to the list, so I made a list if you want to add it with the other ones. Although it would be nice if we could get a Jeweler's Bench added with the rest of the gem things.
Carpenter's Bench
Curing Tub
Tailor's Table
Hide Rack
Alchemist's Table
Gem Crusher
Gem Cutting Stone
Gem Detailing Table
Mineral Bath
Public Forge
Ingot Recycler
Armor Crafting Anvil
Weapon Crafting Anvil
Brazier for Titanium Tipping
Brazier for Silver Coating
Scrimshaw Table
Tinkerer's Toolbox
Tinker's Device
Tinker's Furnace
Farmer's Press
Farmer's Mill
Baker's Oven
Brewer's Kettle
Brewer's Keg
Water Tub
Brewer's OvenTilverton: House Misrim
Holy Pool
Enchanting Statue
Scribing Ink Desk
Scribing Station Lesser
Enchanting AltarTilverton: Shrines and Temples
Alchemist's Table
Enchanting Pool
Enchanting Statue
Enchanting Altar
Enchanting Pool
Scribing Ink Desk -
Suggestion, not bug. Moving to other forum.
@echo Sorry, my bad.
Just going to chime in that, as a jewel crafter, it'd be very nice if I didn't need to go to Arabel just to create jewelry. It's a long walk encumbered, or even heavily so, depending on how many materials you're carrying.
The jewelry bench not being in Tilverton is an oversight. Not intentional. When I do mod work again I'll add it.
Jewelry bench added v7514