The Removal of Raven Arn Targon
We can no longer in good faith see the misdeeds of Arn Targon go unchallenged. The man has proven himself a liar, a deceiver, and above all, he has proven himself to be unworthy of this council.Raven Alexander Kincaid, came to Eveningstar, admitting that the Ravens, through Arn Targon, had planned the attack upon Eveningstar, carried out by Lorenza the druid. Raven Kincaid won a duel, with the term that we would leave Arn be, unless another attack was made.
Yesterday, as witnessed by Council member Igrezor Eshan, Pierre of the Ravens admitted that in an effort to stop Lorenza and myself from spreading the truth about his misdeeds, he was attempting to have us killed, so we could be silenced.
It is clear beyond doubt, that with TWO of his fellow Ravens, speaking out against the man, admitting to his illegal activities, that he should not longer find a seat upon this council.
Dawnsquire Evelyn Stillwater
Order of Aster -
As proof of the misdeeds of Pierre, Alexander and especially Arn, here are some of the fragments we uncovered.Evelyn
rades, Servants of the Black...
I come to you with a plan, a plan to change Tilverton and the Kingdom forever.
As you know, the Bishop of Eveningstar and his wretched Tymoran allies have taken it upon themselves to strike us. Not once, but twice. Thus far, we've done our duty and maintained peace, prospering our town and paying our dues to the Ghost King and his city. I have come to you with a plan to orchestrate great change and elevate our humble city into a bustling power know we already see ourselves as. This plan will take each of you to come to fruition, and force Arabel to see us for what we truly are; their betters.
Step One; Escalation
First, we must provoke Eveningstar into striking us, even if this means losing a few caravans or Ravens, we must twist their arm into striking first to legitimize our eventual cause, and sway the people to join our side as a means to end the war. The narrative must be controlled at all times by us. Thus, I propose stealing numerous Purple Dragon uniforms, and burning the Flour Mill of Eveningstar.
Ravens will also dress as "Champions of the Light" in Orange, sunbleach, whatever horrible colors they prefer with Lathanderite flags, and attack Cormyrean patrols in the Kings Wood.
This will create a narrative that Cormyr is prodding at Arabel, and the Bishopric is having trouble maintaining a defense against them, and of course, they will continue to blame Tilverton and the Ravens.
Step Two; Creating a Pandemic
We, Tilvertons' Ravens, offer to maintain the border between Cormyr and Arabel. We may make this motion through the Council. It will be denied, but we must show the powers that be that we are willing to aid. We must maintain control of the narrative, we want to assist the Crown and maintain PEACE.
Arn - As many of you are aware, there have been various gems 'created' or 'found' by Meil and Councilor Blythe, it has come to my attention that these gems can be used to siphon lifeforce for energy. I want to discover a means off masse production cheap knock offs, then of course, sell them.
Make them addictive, and offer them to our friends.. All of our friends.
I will speak to the Precept Arcanum about getting their supposs any Lathanderite items on jobs and such that can be left after these attacks on patrols in the Kings Forest to provide further incrimination.
We could also "encourage" Grete to sign a confession that the Temple of Tymora was hired by Eveningstar to attack the Caravan.
We also need to cost Evuit of Purple Dragon Padded armour on a job, Its in the com
gaudy golden armour, a golden halberd and a chalice of lathander, They are in the communal storage as well.
Might let someone pass as a warrior of Lathander
Pierrehield and a helm that looks to be of their faith. I will add them to the storage too.
I will endeavor to find the secret to thesure it appears to hold fire based magics such as fireballs or a wall of flame.
This should suffice for starting the fireut the tempan fire item in storage along with another suit of padded purple dr
to the troll bog to try and retrieve some.
our and cloak found by myself and Rawen in
use what we have found.
Perhaps some event like a tournament or Alexander could host a concert to promote the Dull one of the guards and leave him with the caravan men. Lock my arms up to a long board, beat me a bit, burn a lathanderite symbol on my face, and point me east to see the sunrise. Kill the second guard off a ways to indicate he died as the rest of his band flees. (Arrows in the back ect.). Take some loot place one thing on him easily identifiable "Good thing you came when you did Warden.... they did horrible things to me.... could have been much worse." Warden is a hero. I am a bit worse for wear but I am sure you will a
missing the quietest.
-RawenReally going to play up unity on the council..... going to have to practice at acting to play the role of betrayed peace maker.
Pierre, don't youtwo Tilverton voices on her precious little council.
Don't screw this up.
The Butlerwood wants relics of Lathander
We could obtain some more or use a few things we have in storage and have Lorenza put a Talontar curse on them or perhaps Riversnow could taint them some way and then give them to Blhave spoken with Lorenza about the possiblity of her poisoning Eveningstars crops with Talonas blessings
She seems open to the idea
Pierrebers of the faith. One of their own was given a summoning book and convinced to call forth Angels to become a hero. The Woman had red hair and unusual eyes. The guard thought her a Asimar, but could easily have been a teifling.
We came to their "aid", I made sure the city knew by a sending. Also told them Tiverton will not take coin for doing our Duty to protect the realm. Besides, I got payment enough. In addition to the information received about the cause of the issue, I got to see some of their defenses and some of the weak points of said defenses.
Raven Targonmeone to explain themselves for the Caravan or using the Talonites against the
th Lorenza earlier and gave her two Lathanderite chalices to see if they can be tainted, If they can we should have the Talonites taint the rest of the ones we have, And then we can gift them to Blackwood.
If they cause prob"to show good faith" Then sprinkle in the tainted ones on the next delivery.
Perhaps the prospect tha
an opportunity rather than a hindrance.
I see much talk of p
Eveningstar attacked our caravan
d to attack another, some kind of trap perhaps.
ander Ki -
First, foremost, and beyond contestation, Pierre is an idiot. Anyone that knows him will agree. So getting his perspective on anything is as helpful as asking a goblin.
Second, Your Bishop is getting the war he demanded, based off the altered file. Bringing more of it, does not get you more war. The case was closed.
Third, Telling him to kill you on the battle field of war..... it is to be expected. You do not prepare the troops with a hardy "Let's have fun out there!"
Getting tired of your ire. Leave it and let the battle decide.
Pierre maybe as you describe councilor Targon, yet he wears the same colours as yourself thus his testimony here holds high weight. Should this be some Tilverton conflict spilling our into the council of Arabel then that is the Ravens buisness to see to and conclude.
However I would say this testimony stands true, unless you of course can offer any counter proof beyond attempted besmirch of character.
- Loreseeker Eshan
The claims of my telling him to kill her are twisted. The idiot that proves her claims is also the idiot that will prove mine. Neither of us can feel sound with him as our evidence. That is why she is attacking quickly, before the real truth can be shown.
It has been put to a vote. The Council must decide.Evelyn
Wait until the war is done. Then we can discuss voting out both Stillwater and I. I have a war to plan for, and she knows her best chance is to distract me. Based on all I get accused of, I am apparently second in evil to only the White Witch. She wastes your time. Look at us both after. Who knows, the battle may save you the vote anyways.
@orin1234 @Prof-Misclick
Then I hereby resign effective immediately from the Twelve, and lead its corrupted status to its own fate. This council is but a shadow of its former self, and at present not worth our recognition by association.The House of the Morning will discuss the continued disregard of the well being of Tilvertons populace from this council, and notify a clerk if one of us deems this council worthy of our continued presence.
Dawnsquire Evelyn Stillwater
Paladin of Lathander((ill try and leave the group myself, otherwise kick me out?))
Well this body has become less noisy. Down to work.