Oof(login name) / Gregory Brackenbrook / Tilverton Raven
1). Race/Class/Alignment/Level/Name of Character
Human/Barbarian/Neutral Evil/6/Gregory Brackenbrook2). What specific perk(s) (subrace, faction, etc)
Tilverton Raven (First rank after aspirant)3A). Brief background
Gregory was a peasant who lost everything in Gondegal's revolution and the following conflicts. He is a bitter man with a personal hatred for idealists, freedom fighters and peoples who claim to be 'champions of good'.3B). A general outline of goals, plans, or storylines to pursue
Gregory somewhat selfishly aligns himself with Obyn as a man who was born in Tilverton. He wants a return to the old ways of lords and servants having seen where rebellion and fanciful ideas have led the kingdom. He respects Duke Obyn if not out of a sense of duty, but for his methods and results.His goals and activities will revolve around upholding the Duke's laws and spreading the reach/wealth of Tilverton. In no particular order:
- Serve as Obyn's personal executioner
- Slowly push out from Tilverton and begin taxing adventurers who encroach upon his land, whilst claiming more territory
- Find and treat with the druids to create more fertily land for Tilverton, or otherwise steal it from other domains
- Denounce idealist adventurers, nobles and paladins
- Return the Kingdom of Arabel to it's 'old ways', by reuniting it with Cormyr if he has to
- Earn a knighthood eventually
4). If you're not applying on your normal log-in or handle, what accounts have you played under?
Voss -
Anything specific to Obyn like “Obyn’s executioner" is akin to a special position that has to be earned IG if it would be something the NPC would acknowledge etc.
Rank 2 Raven yes.
Also, just approve the IC recommendation that he already has and that’s rank 2. 😎
Approved for Rank 2
EiG "Obyn's Executioner"...
Wait does that mean he'll execute Obyn? :P