Scarlet Cult case files
Drop copies of any letters, posters or statements to do with the case here, otherwise keep it clear of chatter.
Soppi of the Redwood
My first encounter with Jack was when he roamed the Smugglers Tunnels near the north of Arabel. Tobi and Rend where with him, They found a coffin of gold, and where amazed by it, nearly taken back by it. The coffin I think was to Goldfeather. A strange sighting for sure, but I never thought much then slight crazed mages.
My second encounter was when rend send out a sending of Jack, being turned to stone. And asked if anyone could help. This was the first time I step foot in the Hullack. There I found Jack who was a statue. As we pondered over how to use a scroll of stone to flesh, Dexter arrived to try to help. But then from the tree line it came, the first sighting of what I can to learn as a vampire. The creature slithered over Jack's statued formed and pulled some thing from him, what it was I still do not know, but the vampire turned his stoned body back to flesh. As Jack gasped for air once again the dark creature gave Rend, Dexter, and Jack a vile of some potion. At first I thought a kind gesture, but as soon as the creature turned to me it refused, and departed. Rend and Jack drank the potion with haste and fled back to the city. Dexter however pondered the potion. He gave it to me to look at. The potion of sorts, was filled with a red viscous liquid and pools of shadow, holding it in my hands I could feel the darkness within the vile. I returned it to Dexter, and to this day know that he never drank it. And I am unsure who holds it, or destroyed, or drank it to this day. I saw another only of recent given to the Sharren, by what I confirmed as a vampire.
From then onward I would keep my distance from the Scarlets, as I did not fully understand what was happening. However during the offering of White Stag meat to the green "Dragon", I saw jack and the rest of the scarlets nearly on their knees praising such a creature. Again I assumed to butter the creature up, however I saw in their eyes, and heard in their voices, that they would willing serve such a creature.
Would this be the "Dragon" that seemed to actually be a fey and has not been seen or heard from in over a month now?
You really are desperately grasping at straws here Soppi.
I was assuming you find that the least intresting piece of the text to be honest... but discuse in another file please.
Soppi of the Redwood
Incredible how far the Council attempts to stretch the truth to slander my name.
This is false and two separate incidents.
One day I was walking in the sewers, where I found a potion on the ground. It looked magical and as I enjoy experimenting, I drank the potion to learn more of its nature. Several weeks later I was informed this was blood by the council member Dextar. Who had been given not only several vials of blood from the vampires, but also a magical harp.Quite some time later, I was roaming around the Hullack and a Gorgon turned me to stone. Dextar and a mysterious figure found me. They broke the Gorgon's spell and returned me to my normal state. I was not given anything from either of them.
I asked Jack about this and recieved this.