Case file: Clark Skinner
It is a worrying trend that I wish nipped in the bud before it worsens, the man has if not directly aided, abetted the attempted murder of Dawnlord Jadzia, assaulted members of the Precept acting to save said Dawnlords life, conspiring with what are now wanted criminals, fled the scene with the same criminals and we are simply allowing this behavior? Zarissa herself confessed to Dawn knight Myrkyr, that the man spoke openly with her about wishing to kill the Dawnlord at the debriefing from the incident in the church.
I motion to have Clark Skinner brought in for his actions at the Southern Stormhorns. He’s become too high a risk to allow to walk free.
-Blood Dragon, Naresh Sabzvari.
I motion for you to drop your petty vendetta.
We have been through this before, Skinner did not attack the Dawnlord, He attacked and tried to apprehend Trystran for maiming him in the Hullack and fleeing with Greywatch equipment which I understand he later gave to the Aster.
You got stabbed for intefering in the apprehension of Trystran.
Now since the Precept has trouble differenating between a child and a 25 year old woman I am prepared to accept you may not notice Skinner is missing a leg and has a peg replacing it, But I am certain you can find some sort of magic to improve your clearly terrible sight
This delusion you have holds no weight, this insistence that Clark openly ignored the assault of several citizens by the Scarlet cult, the attempted murder of the Dawnlord, the magical assault acted upon Precept members and subsequent attack made by the Scarlet Cult, The preventing of Sister Nethki from healing a fatally wounded Dawnlord, so he can attempt to arrest Trystan while we’re fighting them? Is that the timeline you’re imagining?
Because I’m not seeing how that improves his current predicament, he still conspired with criminals, assaulted members of the Precepts with out warning, assisted in the assault of precept members by stray blood casters Boom & Bewm and fled the scene with the Scarlet cult.
Are you claiming I should be omniscient of Clark’s whims, that I should have known the stab he made without a word was somehow lawful by the official twisting motion as he attempted to spear my kidneys, and not the stab of a man trying to kill me?
You’re a fool Bryce, and this defense of Clark proves it.
-Blood Dragon, Naresh Sabzvari
I would motion to have you removed, but events have shown incompetence and skullduggery runs deep in your order, and the thought that you are the most competent of them only brings to mind what degenerate mouth breather would be chosen to replace you.
Blood Dragon, Naresh Sabzvari
This will be the last time I remind you all to remain civil in regards to our discussions.
-Marshal Drakesbane