Protection from Petrification does not work
Version: 210122 Zool 7128
Spell: Protection from Petrification (hak spell)I used a charge from a wand of protection from petrification (PC crafted wand I made myself) but failed my fort save and got petrified by a gorgon calf.
Spell description:
Maybe the script gives you immunity to the spell flesh to stone, instead of actual petrification effects by mistake?
I used it a few weeks ago and it seemed to work fine. But I didn't use a wand to cast it.
We can check the imbuing barrels and go from there.
Fix attemped v7131
anyone tested this?
Tested, found the issue
probably fixed v7152 -
let me know if you need a guinea pig to test all possible sources of petrification.
Seems that it protects from the spell but not the creature ability.
More research needed.