Sembian Embassy Prestige Store Suggestions
Sembian Perfume/Cologne - (Charges of Eagles Splendor)
The finest fragrance that is all the rage with the ladies/gentlemen of Sembia. Drive men/women wild and ensure all are enthralled in your alluring presence.
Sembian Duelist's Blade - Rapier (+1 Vs Elf/Half Elf, Improved Crit, bonus piercing damage)
The Cavalieres of Sembia do not follow the traditional model of heavily armored knights with large weapons. Instead the follow the intricate dance and flow of the battle and defeat their enemy by "death of a thousand pricks" and waiting for the right opening to finish their foe off.
Sembian Gentleman's Companion - Shortsword (+1 Vs Human, Bonus Slashing Damage)
Gentlemen in Sembia prefer to solve their problems with coin, negotiation, and wit, but every once in awhile a rich Sembian merchant will need to drive off a theif, or defend themselves from a jealous rival. For times when words have failed, this companion could save your life.
Sembian Lady's Companion - Dagger (+1 Vs Human Bonus Piercing Damage, Improved Initiative)
Sembia may pride itself on gentlemanly conduct, but there are always those fiendish men who would prey upon a lady as she walks home at night, or seek to take unwanted "liberties." This dagger can be easily concealed for quick access when a lady needs to drive off an attacker or shoo an unwanted "suitor." Incidentally, because of it ease of concealment and quick access, it has also become a favorite of assassins.
Sembian Business Attire - (Social Skill Points)
This fine, custom tailored Sembian suit is perfect for business meetings or formal gatherings. Just wearing it commands the respect of a member of high society.
Sembian Chainshirt - (Bonus to Perform, Social Skills)
This fine suit of chain is made for those who wish protection but do not wish to harm their elegant style with brutish armor. The links shine and give an air of society, without sacrificing defense.
+1 to all this, more goodies/lore/etc for Sembians would be great for the server
Smuggled Sembian Potions (Potions for Prestige Points)
How did the Sembians manage to afford to gives these away at such a low cost? Do you really care, or do you want cheap potions? Maybe you should stop asking so many questions, could be bad for your health.
Added some of the suggestions with minor tweaks