Downtown quest, incorrect skill roll
Area name: ZQA: Arabel, Downtown
Issue Location:
Quest Name: Downtown
Store Name:
NPC Name: Downtown Thug
NPC Location:
Server Version: Haquin 6490
Screen Shot:
Time: Description: When you try to intimidate the thug Persuasion is rolled instead.
Still broken.
I give up. -
Maybe it is the script.. not the convo?
Apparently, Persuade attempts rolls Intimidate instead.
I tested it. Chose persuade option. Rolled persuade.
Will try again and choose intimidate option to see result. -
Tested again. Chose Intimidate option. Rolled persuade.
@Puffy help? -
Yet another fix attempted. v6494
Tried it a few minutes ago, but received an error message when I tried an Intimidate Check. "Bug, could not find the information to make the skill check, report this to a DM".
Well at least it's a different bug rather than the same old bug repeating...