CLOSED App Free Week (June 26th to July 5th)
So, it's back, and in black!
Things that normally require a DM such as:
- Militia
- Purple Dragon Officers
- Subraces (Aasimar, Tiefling, Wispling, Maelith, Axani, Cansin, Genasi)
- Lycanthropes (wererat, werewolf, werebat, wereboar).
- Canon Orders (DM Discretion, don't mommy and daddy this).
No longer require an APP, and require merely a DM to set you up.
- 1 app-free pc per player.
- Keep it within reason, and follow racial stereotypes (a good aligned tiefling will require an app, etc...) DM discretion will apply.
- You can ask for only ONE perk. No Aasimar Militia, you either get one or the other. If you want both, app.
- No remakes will be permitted.
Looking forward to seeing you IG.
Please keep in mind, if we begin to see begin to see a shit ton of werewolves IG, we will restrict this.
New PCs only!
Contact a DM to activate it also, please! I am available for the next 4 hours for activations.
App free week is now closed