Reminder about alt accounts!
Folks, friendly reminder about alt accounts--try to keep them as 'fun casual alts'. Main plots, conflicts, stories should be for your main character.
IE: If your main character is opposing the big villain, do not have 3 alts who also oppose that big villain. If you are the big villain, do not have 5 alts supporting the big villain's plan. If you try to assassinate a character, don't log in your alt when it fails to make sendings about how the target of the assassination has escaped and its time to hunt them down.
Hopefully that makes sense, we've had some strange thing happening lately where people's alts are all bleeding into main plots and it gets hard to sort through on the DM side of the story when one player is portraying multiple PCs in the same big conflict. We almost have a situation where a PC will have to testify against one of their other PCs in a trial and that's silly!