Area builders
Since I want to do more random rewarding of people exploring the ruins, I would like as many "blank" ruins areas as possible. If you want to try your hand at the toolset, why not try making ruins areas for one-shot quests?
There are some guidelines:
No NPCs/monsters
No scripts
No traps
If you drop containers (which is OK), make sure you delete their scripts
Area transitions are fine, but put your name in them to avoid confusion (ie, harryruins1_to_harryruins_2 and so on)
Keep with a Netherese theme
Name your area uniquely, along with your particular theme. For example, if you build a section of ruins that used to be a magical testing area, name it "Ruins, Magical Testing Area" and set the tag as zpa_yourname_n.
There's a lot of room to be creative within those guidelines. It's a pretty cool feeling to know that some areas you've created have been in the mod to push a plot, and you might even get to see screenshots of them, if the players involved remember to take some. If you put something together, send it to
If you have included loot or scripts or self-aggrandizing placeable descriptions I will likely wipe your vault. Just keep that in mind.
Good questions!
hey for making these ruins, if we create doors do you want us to set the locks and all or will you do that when you decide to use em?
That's a good question. Go ahead and set everything to lock with varying DCs
That way rogues can be useful, or I can just unlock them as I go through
is there a tileset off the vault that should be used or is the base aurora stuff good?
Only use things in the base game