Event Tonight With Lilutu
The DMs have some issues with things that happened tonight.
First, we probably confused some people who thought the Tycheans were holding a Trial by Combat to prove or disprove someone's character was a Fey'ri. What we were actually doing, and IC the Tycheans' goal, was to force people making anonymous accusations to make them openly.
Secondly, we suspect there are MANY people currently using metaknowledge or being influence by people who are using metaknowledge. Some of the Forgotten Realm's best sages do not know what a Fey'ri is. Seeing every other adventurer on the streets claim knowledge of them makes little sense.
Third, while we don't want to call anyone out or put them on the spot–there was a PC who tried to do a blood test to determine if a character was a Fey'ri or not. The DMs who handled that said the PC was unable to determine anything for certain. Some people seem to think that the exact opposite was reported and the DMs indicated someone's PC was Fey'ri. We did not do this.
Fourth, we're happy to talk to people about this if they're confused, annoyed, not understanding etc. There were four of us online trying to figure out how to ensure everyone involved had fun, and make sure no one wound up senselessly PK'ed on any side or the other, and to try our best to help someone who was the possible victim of metagaming continue to play and hopefully enjoy their character.
This is never an easy job folks, but two planned DM quests got called off tonight because we had to sort through this. Several DMs logged afterwards with headaches due to the frustration of trying to sort out complicated situations and referee 20 odd people who all have their own interpretation of what happened--leaving us to try to keep everyone as happy as we can and ensure they can all keep playing and enjoying their characters until their character's stories read an appropriate end.