A notice
Hey folks,
The City of Arabel DMs are a good, unified team with mutual interest to make the server the best it can get. They know they do a good job when you are having fun and enjoying the server.
Following this, as the playerbase, you are entitled with a very special gift and responsibility. To uphold solid, fun roleplay inside the community, while the DM team works in the background. And if you see something stand out as wrong, you have the responsibility to come forth to the DM team and share your concerns. And these concerns will be taken seriously. Especially on the topic of DM favouritism, a DM doing so will quickly come to the attention of other DMs, who look into the situation and allegations instantly.
Hence, with my recent return these issues were soon to surface with a number of the playerbase contacting the DM team over wether or not I am doing this. Even vague rumours of a DM favouring a player over another is one of the most severe wounds inflicted on a roleplaying server. And this will not be tolerated. As the Team is now suffering from a lack of trust due claims on my behaviour, I have chosen to step down and clear the Team name from these accusations by forthcoming resignation as a DM.
However, the plots I have started, will be finished. Despite whatever claims made about me, I will still work on these plots for the enjoyment of the playerbase and end them with the best of my ability, aiming to leave noone feeling sour as the plots end. I hope you as a player feel this clarification welcome and find yourselves wanting to partake on the coming DM quests and enjoy whatever it is I do run- since that's what I aim to accomplish.
When the plots have met their end, I'll address this topic again.
-PN -
Plots are done, hopefully enjoyed by those who took part in them. Going to stick around for one more week to give a hand to any needy with applications/setting up/stuff In Game, and answer whatever questions left bothering. Just catch me on mIRC or through a PM here and I'll give you a hand if its a GMT +2 friendly time.
This will be my last post on this topic. Once the week is done I will be gone. Overall, CoA has been an enjoyable ride with good memories left for years. Keep the flag high for the server and enjoy the time you spend here!
With hearts and chocolate,