the NPCvoiceset
Can we add the voicesets to the server haks so we can have more options again? I am kinda growing sick of all the cringy stuff ... No offense
@Zolm sure, just need to figure out how.
Just tested. Doesn't work.
You tested that hak?
It's not installed on CoA.... yet
I only linked it so that Spiffy would know where to find it -
It's a 2da.
If put in overrides, shouldn't it show for new character creation?
I ask because that is where I put it and its not showing when I try to roll up a new PC.
Edit: Must be a server side setting. the 2da shows on other servers but not this one. Can whatever lever be pulled that allows the 2da to be used client side?
It's not a "lever" that you pull and magically stuff appears.
Our server side soundset.2da will need to be edited to include the files from the hak.
It's a low priority, if I'm being honest. It will need to wait until an Admin is feeling masochistic enough to do this. -
new voicesets were added -