Fist-Sized Diamond
Oi Cutters,
Got a lead!
Chant is there's a spirit called Majesty in some grove to the west of Immersea.
This bleeder's running a red one for Bells, Imyra and Aelin because they messed with its "Dial of Time" with the help of a trickster spirit that's locked in a box.Why's this important, you ask? Majesty's got dominion over gems and has been seen to use ruby golems in the defence of its glade.
Ain't heard of diamonds, but it's a start and the gems these things leave behind is powerful.Bells has a rig to retrieve the Box. I don't got the dark on the details, but she's asked me to help and is also asking the Lancers for some kind of distraction.
If we help Bells get the Box, we might be a step closer to bobbing Majesty of a diamond.
Excellent work.
If you agree, I’ll agree.
Bells got a personality swap or something after this, all serious and few jokes. Sure that the druids are going to kill her any minute, and that she owes Imyra for her eye and hand. But, its a good idea about the diamond. I will help.
I reached out to Atok. He's a druid and the chant is he might not like Majesty as much as Nela does.
I've asked for the dark on Majesty and I'll see what his stand on it is. He might try and talk to one of you since I never see him.Nix
If I remember right, there was talk about some elven druid having something alike this.
Stolen from some past-elf society's tombs, from back when elves were great.Maybe there's more to be found or maybe we can find that one the elf had.
I'll see if anyone knows anything about tombs in the Hullack or where the elf might've hid theirs.Dirge
I think it were Fye that gave us that dark. The gem was used in some tower that required prime numbers and maths to get inside.
Related to the Helmlands, I think.Nix
Oh, right. Yeah, was meaning to take a look at that tower.
Always loved me a good puzzle.I'll give it a looksee soon enough.