Sanctions on Eveningstar
I propose sanctions for Eveningstar.
Their councillor Tristan has sheltered the Lower House at least once and sent myself and Treth away under threat of exile to allow Ercole to slink away.
He has also refused to assist against them during the riots last week.
He has been asked to prove he and Eveningstar are loyal to the crown but has so fat refused even voting against action on the Lower House.
We should consider sanctions against Eveningstar unless they prove loyal
Sir Pierre
Vote the right way or else?
Dawnbrother Tristan
Well voting to pardon mass murdering rebels who invaded the palace, hired assasins to break people the Precept has captured as well as give out mushrooms that mutate people into monsters is hardly showing you are loyal to the crown.
Sir Pierre
How is your temple to the killer of countless Arabel commonfolk by the way?
Dawnbrother Tristan
With Tristans recent exile for treason and the revelation that Belon is refusing to support crushing the rebellion unless the Precept pays Eveningstars debt to Duke Misrim we should consider the town acting against the Crown.
I suggest we demand they send troops and if they don't or Tristan is seen aiding the lower house further that the leadership of Eveningstar is seen as Treasonous.
Sir Pierre
Does anybody have any thoughts on this?
From his allies and posters I believe it is clear Tristan is trying to cause panic and will most probably aid the lower house in combat.
Ensuring Belon has reasons to make sure he doesn't would be useful.
Sir Pierre
There appears to be no true interest in this matter.
Clerk Pinwell
We have exiled Tristan, and we do not know what Belon actually plans to do. I would not take Tristans words as what Belon plans.
The main issue with Eveningstar is, the Kingdom needs them, without them, Cormyr has much less barriers to attempting to re-claim Arabel and it's lands. They may be busy with the war with the Tuigan Horde now, but that will not last forever.
Well if Tristan and other forces fight for the revolution, Eveningstar will need to be punished.
We cannot let them get away with treason if they commit it
I suggest they lose the right to be a bishopric at the very least
Sir Pierre
It is very doubtful that the Council has a say in the ruling of Eveningstar, unless Sir Pierre suggests that the Council may also advice to remove the dukedom of Duke Misrim for the failings of his henchmen.
Clerk x