Bard Song acting very odd
Area name: Not area specific
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Server Version: 7203
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Time:Issue Description: Bard song seems to be hit and miss now.
I use it and even if they are in range it doesn't hit some party members. One time I used it and it only affected me when I know that song buffs allies too.
I just tried the Celestial Concerto and there was no one in party with me. I sung it and it gave me no boons and healed an NPC militia standing next to me.
That's just an example. The bug seems to happen with any song.
Not sure if related but earlier I got spammed messages about "that ability is tied to your bard song and you are out of songs" or something like that.
At that time I had at least 8 songs left and when the spamming was over I had none.
Tested after reset and seems to be working as intended.
I'll keep an eye on it and update.
Thanks, this sounds like a weird server kinda bug, rather than a scripting issue.
This happened a couple more times.
It caught the two standing in front of my character but not the one behind each time.
I'll keep testing.
Wasn't able to use Dwarven Battlecry today, despite being able to use it previously, and it still used my bard song. Inspire works fine though.
Had an issue last night were halfway through a quest, the rest of the party stopped gaining benefits from songs. No bonus dmg or protections. This persisted after rest. Tried resetting sing to inspire them re-activating other songs for next quest. It did still apply bonuses to my character.
Can't be 100% certain but think the issue began after character died mid quest.
Hit me again as well. I was with one other person. they were in front of me and didn't get the song twice.
Same again. But it got all our summons/animal companions just fine.
I don't know why but once it decides it hates someone, it doesn't let them have bard song boon again for that reset... so far anyway (hm... or not. they just got the boons. I'm so confused)
Does this bug remain?
Seems to still be there, but it's intermittent, never know when it's going to happen. Sometimes song won't fire at all. More often it doesn't effect everyone in party. Might buff summons/animates but not the person who created them.
Once it happens it seems to persist until a reset. I found it happened more frequently if I used Gegnars Goblin Gutting song, but others said it happened even when they hadn't used that one.
Could you take note for a week time/date when you have this issue, along with which song? :heart_suit:
No worries Puffy. I'll start making note of if when it happens and who is or isn't effected.