Irondrake Cave
Module version: 7063
Quest name: Irondrake Cave
Quests giver: Astrid Riverforge
ZQA: Storm Horns, Irondrake Cave
Level range: 7-10
Party requirements: 2-8
Number of people that did the quest: 5
Party composition with levels: 2 pallys, cleric, tank dorf, enchantress
Quest turn in gp and xp: 420 xp turnin, gp turnin 400Real difficult quest. Good and balanced though- the only issue being the findings. You can end up getting decent gold from the giants IF they drop bags. However, the chests are lackluster. Last run only 2 chests spawned, and in them was- A CSW wand, a 1 prestige point coin, 3 gold, a scroll of remove fear, and a scroll of poison. Think there needs to either be a lot more chests or a lot more items per chest in this quest, considering it's one of the toughest around.
This is one of the quest that I haven't done the "first pass" on to make it do it doesn't have 900000 wands in the chests.
Well, actually, I did do it, but then we lost those changes in the update compatibility issue.
Anyway, thanks for the report- it's being looked into- soon all quests will at least have a much higher chance of dropping things that aren't wands or treasure maps.
After that, we're going to try and do a more thorough pass to add more themed loot, and set up the chests so that, some of them will nearly always spawn "proper loot" and many of them will spawn consumbles exclusively.
At some point, we may look at monster drops on quests too.
Version 7013
Tough quest, and not a lot of chests- there's only 3 maximum overall, but only 1 seems a guaranteed spawn. Given its rewards and just in general toughness, might be better to just have all 3 of the chests be guaranteed spawns for its difficulty.
Should be fixed v7106