Announcement from the DM Team
Sharing is caring! Here are a couple of exciting things the DM team is working on, more news will be added to this thread over time.
New Story Arc
Based on the polls of players and long DM Discussions, the DM Team has come to an agreement to a new story arc which has been heavily influenced by the voice of the players. We have decided on the basics and general agreements, there will be events introducing this story arc step by step. It will be server wide -of course- and everyone is welcome to get involved as always. We also have general end goals in mind, but will allow players to work towards influencing the end goals with drastic changes to the module.The Pit
Worked on by several DM's, this new and funky system will be an area where criminals can work on their revenge/freedom in a fun new area with dangers, mystery, NPC's and secrets. This new system will also allow Wyrmguards to judge characters without the presence of DM's, excluding executions of course! Currently the final touches is being added to The Pit, and is expected to be introduced in the very near future!The Bounty Master
Already introduced in the game, this bounty master will have new monsters and legends added to him as time goes on. Each month, the character with the most bounty points will receive an EXP reward based on the points gathered. To make this system group friendly, the gold is rewarded first to be shared in the group while the leader of the hunt takes the points, which becomes a reward at the end of the month to the player with most points.Discussion Thread: viewtopic.php?t=159631
NPC Sponsoring
To support PC Faction with ease, creating faction gear and bases without hours spent in the toolset. We are working on a new way to allow PC's to seek sponsoring from NPC's, working IG to earn various perks and pushing their plot forward with ease. It is a sandbox system with few limits, allowing PC Factions to grow and involve with growing DM support, ideas will always be welcome to be discussed with DM's but we wish to allow you the players freedom to create stories with your Factions without reliance on the DMs.Discussion Thread: viewtopic.php?t=159631