Clerics and Domains
Folks, I finally got around to fixing cleric domains to work with the new domains so that people do not need to be wanded by a DM to play a cleric using these custom domains. Additionally, I added in some support for deities that were not supported previously and CoA's custom deities as well (Morvys, Tyche, and Clar Banda).
I may have made some mistakes here and there, but want to remind all our players–clerics must have the proper alignment, domains, and deity still to cast spells. If you find a loop hole in the code that lets you play an evil cleric of Tyr with Hatred and Metal domains we will simply delete your character and may not provide any warning to you when we do. Honest mistakes, if we think they're honest, may lead to us helping you remake a character, but if it is pretty clear that you're making an end-pass around the system simply because a line of code was wrong with the cleric domain deity checking scripts had a bug, the DMs will erase that character.