This letter is made of fine paper and is sealed with wax but addresses to both the High Dawnlord and Dawnknight
It has come to my attention that there are locals and adventurous looking to aid in the plague of the restless undead in the location of the Battle of South Horn, with a War Wizard staff and the attempt to trick the undead into going to their eternal restless state. However, I think there is another avenue that can be taken with a hint of diplomacy.
I suggest a writ of mutual understanding be sent to Cormyr requesting an emissary from the Purple Dragons, or War wizards of some rank, with the help from the faithful of Lathander they may be able to reach deep into the spirits of the dead and ensure to them that their service is no longer needed and their destiny's fulfilled.
This may also lead into further conversation that could lead to a mutual understanding with Cormyr should the House of the Morning require aid against Tilverton.
I was curious to your thoughts on this, and if you think this is something that could be accomplished.
By His Light,
Dawnsquire Aliella Sarralet