Animate Dead Spell Description
Server Version: 8595
In game Animate Dead Spell Description is the default NWN one. Needs updating as per the forums to FOIG. I guess it wouldn't hurt to put the SF and GSF details in there though.
To use this spell, a caster must cast animate dead on some remains they have placed on the ground. SF and GSF necromancy will extend the duration of the animation created, as well as allow for more animations to be created at the same time.
No feats - 1 Animation, lasts 6 hours
SF Necromancy - 2 Animations, last 12 hours
GSF necromancy - 2 Animations, lasts until destroyedNecromancers can also animate directly from the ground without using reagents - But only when in a graveyard. There are various ways to gain animatable remains. The methods of which can be discovered in-game.
For more information see forums:
Strife and Discord
Spell description should properly appear as of version 20241129 Strife 8624. Please confirm once its live.
Strife and Discord
Now showing correctly.