The Champion of Siamorphe....
Brave heroes fought swarms of devils in service of the Black Chalice as they protected a powerful ritual of Forbiddance, fighting long and hard against swarms of outsiders. The rite was slow, but effective, as it cast the fiends into the hells from which they came. All whilst powerful cries in the name of Siamorphe rang true across the dunes.
Suddenly the fight stilled, as the foul vision of Isaacson appeared before the rite. Some say Isacsson and Commander Cormaeril exchanged insults and threats, while others swear it was some form of theological debate from two sides of a coin. It was only after Isacsson left that a shaft of majestic yellow light descended from above onto the battlefield. Those following the Divine Right could almost swear they heard her voice through the veil of silence during that time, before going silent once more.
//Congrats to all involved in this story and to @SpiffyMeister for this amazing conclusion//