Abby of Helm Store
Area name: Arabel, Temples & Shrine
Issue Location: Helm Abby
Quest Name:
Store Name:
NPC Name: Nelly
NPC Location:
Server Version: 7487
Screen Shot:
Time: Description:
Cloak of Helm costs 0 gp
Unsleeping Eye banner is for LG and NG only. Should it be LG, LN, LE?
Armor is 4/4 and I noticed the Lathander faction gets 5/2 and so does the Tymoran temple store. Not sure if a bug or intentional?Might belong in a suggestion and I understand clerics are encouraged to wear medium armor but Helm might be one of the gods that should get full 8/1 or at least the option for a better heavy armor? Tempus and the Red Knight maybe the others for CoA?
Store was updated some time ago, thanks for the feedback