Ms Leonalloud and the Chalice
After a lengthy meeting, between Ms Leonalloud, the Council, and the Ravens. It was agreed pending the personal approval of Ms Leonalloud, that Tilverton shall pay off any debt or pending mortage for Ms Leonalloud's family farm located in Eveningstar. In return, Ms Leonalloud will aid the Ravens in the creation of a chalice. If Ms Leonalloud rejects the proposal, Councilor E.C. Blythe must depart from her company.
E.C. Blythe
Ms Leonalloud and the Ravens have begun the commission, without any debts repayments since there were none present.
E.C. Blythe
@arcanigans said in Letter:Misa:
I hope this letter finds you in good health and by the end of it, in better spirits.
I’ve had a conversation with the High Dawnlord for clarity of my position and my family’s relationship to the Bishopric and found that we are apparently free to do as we please. It has been an uphill push with my parents and siblings for them to understand, but that is more my problem than yours.
It only feels right to once more apologize for the misunderstanding that could have been cleared up had I the courage to ask the High Dawnlord earlier.
Now, to the matter of the chalice. Enclosed you will find a collection of sketches that I began working on when this matter was first discussed, if any strike the interests of those who need to make this decision, we’ll have a solid foundation to begin from.
Were this entirely my own project, I would think working the chalice from mithril and searing it black while accenting it with magically enchanted gold that will never lose its luster would be suitable for such a piece of iconography. If we were to inset onyx or rubies around it, it would add to the luster and, should you wish it to at a later time, hold divine enchantments very well.
Alternatively, I could forge it from magically enchanted gold entirely and set the stones as prominent features for those same purposes. Gold would not take a searing well, even enchanted it softens very easily under heat, but it would still be very beautiful and regal all its own.
If none of this suits, there is always platinum- a much harder metal than either, it cannot be seared or etched as the sear will simply scrub off and acid sloughs off leaving a mess, but it will maintain a beautiful silvery luster that will not tarnish if properly cared for.
Finally, the matter of compensation.
While the offer to repay my family’s debts is taken in the graciousness it was offered, it seems it won’t be necessary. Something that has come up with my discussions of the matter to the House of the Morning and various Council members is that the tensions between our villages, and hopefully His Grace and the High Dawnlord, might be eased with a remediation payment of coin to the House of the Morning.
Secondly, and I hope far less taxing of a request, if this icon is pleasing to His Grace and the faith to which it is destined, I would ask that a letter of support be sent to whatever authority in the city deals with purchasing space to open up a shop. I am not asking for money to do so, or expecting that because the Duke sent such a letter my offer of purchase will go through. Merely some ink stating that His Grace is pleased with my work and thinks that the Golden Leaf has a place within the city limits.
It’s not my place to suppose the will and abilities of my betters, but merely an opening offer that I feel would go a long way for all parties involved to deflate this unfortunate tension and forward us as a united Arabel to face the future with open hands and the dignity and Grace that this Chalice will come to represent under His Grace’s stewardship.
I thank you for your time and consideration, and will begin gathering materials as I await a reply so as not to keep you waiting further.
Misa Leonalloud
@arcanigans said in Ms Leonalloud:
This letter is to notify the council that Pierre donated the cost of the commission to the House of the Morning in front of the High Dawnlord and myself with the understanding that it is to promote further unity in Arabel.
I will begin the commission as soon as possible.
Misa Leonalloud