Bron's Greywatch Investigation
[A file is kept near Bronimir in a notebook and updated as time goes on. Several council reports are copied and placed in it from time to time. It is not yet made publicly available but Clerks and other council members will often seen Bron copying some information from the files into the notebook and reading it over from time to time while drinking in the Faceless. This might make members curious or suspicious.]
The Greywatch claims to be fighting to bring law and order to Arabel but seem to spread chaos and strife more than anything. They worship fear and evil and pain more so than justice and honor. They seem to answer to Nahlo but do not operate under her for day to day supervision, with other members doing that more often than not. They have done very little to actually seek out and fight the scum and villainy any more than the average adventurers have and seem to be afraid to act when they should, and making stupid decisions when they do decide to act.
The Greywatch and Bryce specifically, seem to have a grudge against the Precept, doing everything they can to try to build strife and civil conflict with them. There is a push and pull there, where there should be a much more organized and effective strategy. The Greywatch SHOULD be bringing swift and effective justice to criminals and raider scum while the precept should be actively hunting magical threats. Instead they seem to compete over the same targets for glory. This seems to be a heavier lean on the Greywatch's fault than the Precept, who, by evidence in the council files, have tried to reach out the olive branch more than once.
Nahlo is unhinged and breeds as much chaos and strife as she does inspire fear of the law. She is a poor high priestess of Helm and if I were clergy instead of a Merc, I'd be doing everything to challenge her leadership. More of a worldly man myself though. More concerned with how to protect people in this life than I am about souls. It is no surprise the Greywatch can't function properly with her as it's spiritual leader. She ignores the failures and misdeeds of her own faction in favor of "solidarity" and even crippled my hand when I saved Bryce from both getting killed and from starting a pointless civil war with the precept.
The Greywatch seems more concerned with glory and patting itself on the back than doing it's job. I seem to be getting more done as a Sheriff with a rag-tag posse than they do with a fully funded, equipped, and organized force. What are they really doing behind closed doors? How are they any better than the Militia? Why don't we just organize a more elite guard of the Militia to travel out and seek out threats like the Greywatch is supposed to?
Bryce is an agent of chaos if ever there was one. He constantly picks fights and burns bridges, making it impossible for his organization or the Council to function. He puts more onus on his own glory and desires than he does on the greater good. He is constantly trying to kick effective members off the council, weakening it and making it impossible to function properly. He either wants dominance, sabotage, or he is an idiot.
Clark worked with the Scarletts to attack innocent villagers and raise undead. He did so for some time, under the official title of the Grey Watch. If he can remain with them for so long without being found, are they really the best group for investigating crimes? Clark also made contact with vampires to form an official alliance with them and the Grey Watch. This is suspicious at best considering their alliances with necromancers, such as the Scarletts in the past.
On that note of failures of investigation. I had been in the city for a week and had discovered who the Black Dragon was. I reported this to the Grey Watch, and instead of doing their duty to put an end to the threat, they instead tried to ally with the Black Dragon to further damage the council and go on the offensive against the Precept. He even tried to have the Precept officially banned from the council. He was willing to work with a known criminal and traitor in order to take control and spread further chaos. I only refrained from bringing her in because I had a contract with her real persona and it would have been a violation of my oath, which is why I gave the information to others. When others failed to act for over a week, I announced it publicly to put an end to the damage she was doing and stop Bryce from plotting with her. Better she is run out of the nation and can't harm us anymore, than allowed to cause further damage.
On Berner - The man has tried to pick fights with me from day one. He has threatened to throw me in the stocks, while taking zero action. He has thrown threat after threat. He is all bark and no bite as they say. His actions weaken the very foundation of law and order because he makes threats he can't back up and makes the Greywatch look as weak is it really is. Eventually I just got sick of the talk and beat him up. After which he gave up on law and turned to personal vengeance, setting traps on a well traveled trade route and harming innocent bystanders just to try to get to me. After capturing him I felt so sorry for his pathetic attempt, I let him go. We'll see what he does next but he is a loose arrow fired into a crowd. People are going to get hurt.
There was a hard push by the Grey Watch to let the Scarletts go, which lead directly to them attacking and cursing Eveningstar, followed by Rend joining Nazim and helping to raid the outlying villages. This could go either into further treason, much like with the Black Dragon, or just further idiocy. Additionally, the Scarletts seem to target myself and the precept but never the Grey Watch. This is either evidence of alliance, or that they don't see the Grey Watch as a threat to them, which is more likely.
Investigation continues, but I am convinced the Grey Watch is at best, completely useless and inept, and at worse a growing threat to the people in the area. Should likely work towards replacing them with Militia members recruited from the adventuring populous as I won't always be around to be the Sheriff. One of these days some scum is going to get me. Need to continue digging and see if the Grey Watch is a threat that needs to be eliminated or just phased out. Convinced I could have completely taken over the faction myself easily with how worthless the rest of them are, but there is not enough alcohol in Arabel to deal with that many Kurwas.
[The notes continue and the notebook constantly smells of old alcohol, as Bronimir seems to only read or do reports when he's been drinking]