Letter: Adrienne
I bring news on Soppi and Gregs actions that may merit an investigation by the Wildwalkers as a whole
Both of them lied over the dwarf with a rune burnt into them after Soppis little Helmland expedition.
Myself and Clark wished to take the dwarf to the barracks and call upon mages to have the rune checked to see if they were enthralled.
Soppi, Greg and Lucy were against this and said no beholders had touched him so he couldn't be a thrall.
The symbol was studied in the palace by the precept and others and determined to be a geas that will kill the dwarf unless he performs some set task that we do not know.
However I have learnt from the halfling scout Zenrin that the dwarf was taken by beholders and returned with the symbol on him.
The dwarf is now likely a thrall to the hive and Soppi and Gregs lies caused a threat to roam freely.
As I consider you a friend, I shall be as clear and blunt as I can. Stop this indecent hunt against my druids. It serves no point, besides alienating us from any association with the law enforcement you dream of being. You know full well that the mark on the dwarf is Mystran in origin. I have spoken with both Great Druids, and their actions are not heretical in any way. The dwarf died to the beholder thralls, was raised by a Mystran, and therefore in some way now wears her mark. They did not murder him, they did not violate his soul, or his person in any way.
To speak like the street child, I am. You are throwing shit at a wall, hoping something sticks. Come to me when you have actual concerns of heinous deeds. Otherwise, you will find that the hornets nest you are poking your hand into, has a rather vicious sting.
Act like a council member seeking to do right by the city, and I shall welcome you and treat you like a friend. Continue to baselessly attack my pack, and you will not like the outcome.
Adrienne Hawthorn