Wandering fisher store bug
Area name: East Way, Crossroad
Issue Location: near the small pond on the east side of the area
Quest Name: n/a
Store Name: n/a
NPC Name: Wandering Fisher
NPC Location: n/a
Server Version: 7241
Time: 2021-04-14 22:16:00 CEST
Screen Shot:
Issue Description: I don't know if this is an issue or not, but probably I should be able to buy some fish or bait or etc.
bumping on this a bit
Went around the mod and found out that actually every fisherman NPC has the same problem.
Also, the other store (fishing gear) doesn't work too
I can't buy fishing bait to go fishing for poisons. Tried every NPC in Immersea with no success. I guess these fisherman NPCs would sell it -
Resolved 7265