Identical Private letters to Sara and Nicholas
I will be brief. I have heard that the two of you have been complaining about the 12 in public, after becoming members of the 12. This will stop. You are at the adult table now. Either use your chair to make the Council of 12 Peers something you can respect from the inside, or sit on a bench in the Faceless and whine about it form the outside.
The only appropriate responses to this letter is taking the responsibility you have been given seriously and doing the work you see needed, or resigning. Any other response is a waste of words and time.
Senior Retainer Polk
Senior Retainer Polk,
Whatever agent of yours reported this has abused your trust.
The only appropriate response to a sully on my reputation is to meet it with steel.
Please present my challenger so that honor might be restored.
-Dawnknight Appleberry
//Polk can be seen crumpling the reply and dropping it in the waste bin while being heard saying "Waste of words it is then"
Given your house hired her, you should probably know by now not to put too much stock in Octavia's words, Senior Retainer. Twisting words is a weird little hobby of hers, and should have been evident from your first conversation with her, as she's not exactly secret about it. Regardless, message received and understood; keep mum about the 12 in public, and remember that House Misrim hires - and trusts the word of - snakes.
By the by, did you send a similar message to Keline? Or did your agent "forget" she was part of the conversation too?
//Polk can be seen crumpling the reply and dropping it in the waste bin while being heard saying "I didn't do it? It's your fault? But Keline was doing it too?" Followed by him shaking his head in disappointment. "I had better hopes for them both"