Local problems - Pestilence and Rats
Minor update to Paul's files.
- Male, human, dresses in dark green and black robes, sickly skin and gaunt features
- Known for summoning insects to his aid, hiding from sight to let them do the dirty work
- Self proclaimed representative of Obyn Misrim's "true" House of Misrim, Tilverton, and Arabel
- Has of late begun to send taunting messages over the sending system, baiting others to Tilverton
- Unlikely to have any allies alive currently, may change if he gains more traction
Luckbringer Ottilie
I would like to add the following to Pauls file;
Unlikely conspirator in Senior Retainer Eric Polks murder, and does not seem to be capable of Necromancy.
The man is a coward who wishes to return to Arabel, finding it difficult after throwing in with the Rot Priest, though he claims it was for self preservation.
He's a snake at any rate. Careful in your dealings...
-Sir Nicholas, Dawn knight of Eveningstar
Perhaps we could change the poster to wanting him alive, allowing adventurers or ourselves to bring him in for questioning. He may hold valuable information on Tilverton, and Obyn. But then we still ensure he answers his crimes, should he turn out to be worse than we thought.
Luckbringer Ottilie
Paul and Dawnknight Tiatus shared blows after Paul requested a duel, with Paul removing Dawnknight Tiatus' left pinky after his undead summon and magically enhanced insects brought Dawnknight Tiatus down. I will request Dawnknight Tiatus to share a more detailed report of what occured.
Luckbringer Ottilie
Paul assaulted the Order of Aster, he was slain by Dawnknight Tiatus after laying waste to many. Sir Appleberry remains in a.. wounded state, his memory not quite what it used to be. It is to my hope he will recover quickly, but I am also in contact with Dawnknight Tiatus frequently now in regards of the battles ahead of us whilst Sir Appleberry is granted time to recover.
Luckbringer Ottilie
I see he died as he lived; a spineless coward.
-ThereneP.S. Send my regards to Sir Appleberry for his swift recovery.
A Commander Of Luck will let us know if we can be of any assistance in speeding the recovery of a Young Dawn, yes?
- Children of the Redwoods