I am being targetted for assassination.
Exactly as the title suggests.
On the road from Eveningstar, Octavia and Retainer Waldon from House Misrim were lured into a rather primitive ambush set by an Orcan host. Their quick thinking- especially Octavia's- netted us valuable information on the nature of their efforts. The overseer of this ambush was able to get away but one of the orcs Octavia charmed into telling them that the goal is to isolate and 'kill the strategist'.
Considering the rash of attacks upon me, and threats directed to those around me, I warn you of the possibility you will be targeted as well. It will be a constant threat going forward, but we musn't show weaknesses that our adversary can exploit.
Let's instead discuss how we can protect against these incursions upon our safety and the baits we can offer to lure would be assassins out of the woodwork.
I was with Octavia and Waldon during this. The orcblood said he was sent to "slay the trouble-makers for horde" and specifically said "the tactician must die" - I assume he meant you, Keline.
Bannerwoman Octavia's brilliant use of her talents garnered us this information. Without it, we simply would've assumed it was an attack directed at House Misrim, specifically.
The fact that they seek to eliminate you, though, Keline, is proof that you are a threat to them. They know that you are our ace in the hole.
I recommend, though, no one associated with you travels alone. No one travels unprepared for combat.
Osco -
Another attempt on me was made last night whilst climbing the Stormhorns (because I hate my body apparently), it was one assailant with a pair of blades who began with a patch of darkness and struck from it. I attempted to take him alive but he was killed.
Upon his corpse was found a note that offered double the bounty if I was captured alive.
It’s nice to be wanted, but sooner or later someone is going to succeed on these attempts- do we have any information on who’s, how’s or whys?
Two more attempts made, both orcan blooded though very close to human appearing at a distance.
One was outside the gate after the successful push back of Horde forces north of the city (report to follow). Assassination attempt sprang from the shadows during the dividing of spoils.
Another whilst exploring ancient ruins under the Stonelands in search of information about the White Feather totems used by the Horde. We were deep in enemy territory and had no doubt been seen around the area which drew attention to us.
Combat Characteristics
Both were adept sneaks, flush with potions and other tricks (such as tanglefoot bags, clarity, stoneskin, displacement, shielding, bark, blur, haste, and insulation.) They show knowledge of assassin skills, take after adventurer tactics and seem to come one at a time.
They are deadly, make no mistake. Bring Dispel, throw the unconventional at them and be careful.
We must make sure you and your company are as well supplied as they are. I'll see what I can accomplish for you, Keline.
Osco -
There I was, in Hillmarch, minding my OWN business, and taking a bit of a nap under the trees. I heard some commotion below me and looked over the ledge to see a wounded bear. While I contemplated what actions to take, SNAP! went a branch and it was immediately dark, and an assassin's blade plunged into my shoulder and my ribs! I quickly drank an invisibility potion and crawled to the ledge, more willing to take my chances with the bear than with the assassin. I fell hard, and nearly broke my leg in the process. The bear scampered off, I drank a healing draught and before I could flee the man had jumped down after me. I hit him with an impede spell and drank a retreat potion and high-tailed it out of there!
Seems the assassins are targeting more than just you, Keline!
Osco -