Personal letters and notes arrive in bundles
[A fairly large wad of notes from common folk around Eveningstar arrives]
The general idea is- thank the gods we have heroes to protect us from necromancers!
An example from the pile reads:
I for one am glad you have alerted us to the danger of these gems! I had a few ornaments made of them- thrown out now of course.
Thank you for keeping us safe from these evil Onyx dealers! Praise the morning light!
- Edgar and family
[a ritual was completed outside the House of the Morning on the eve of the Redwood battle.]
To honor you, I have these gifts of the pretender, the Dark Sun, who would steal your good name and corrupt it. I offer these boables to the Light, so that they might never be used again to further the deed of evil men. The Skull of Orcus (necromantic helmet). the Beeds of the Liar (Cyric necklace). the Weapon of Death (a greatsword of cyric). I offer onto the Light these trinkets, wo off fallen servants of the dark. I only ask that you are with me as always, and allow me to bring the Dawn unto your enemies - for they hath incurred your wrath. OH GREAT DAWN! We will come from the EAST like a charge of angels! We will strike the enemy down with a might not seen in an age of men! We will bring the DAWN! Oh great Lathander, accept these - and our light will burn brighter than ever before!