Recycled 5 darts of stunning, got 101 copper ingots
Area name: Historic District
Issue Location: Smithy Ingot Recycler
Quest Name:
Store Name:
NPC Name:
NPC Location:
Server Version: 200807 Strife 6982
Screen Shot:
Time: 14:00 09/08/2020 BST
Issue Description:
Placed five darts of stunning into the ingot recycler and recieved 101 ingots of copper back. First attempt of five darts failed, second attempt 101 ingots :astonished_face:EDIT: Tested again with a single thieves tool +1 same thing happened.
Seems legit.
@Echo ??
Definitely NOT legit. Please trash all those ingots.
You should not be able to recycle thieves tools or those darts. They're not even in the script!
Looking into it now.
Fixed v6983
be warned, if you put anything in the recycler that wasnt crafted, it will simply be destroyed