He said/She said Claims and Conflict
Lately the DM team is coming across more and more cases of Conflict and the attempt to win such by the old He said/She said claims.
The He said/She said claims, to those not versed in such terminology, refers to one side saying that the other side did/said something while the other side claims they didnt say/did that or said/did something different altogether. We are not going to go into detail or mention names, but this is growing into a trend.Therefore the we believe that the phenomenon must be addressed here and some policies be made:
If you claim that someone said/did something(I.E: Bob admitted to murdering Jane right before you), you must supply logs and screenshots to prove this. Spreading fabricated rumors about someone is fine but if you intend the world to react to what was said/done(I.E: Militiaman Billy arresting Bob) you will need to have means to prove it. If the other side of an argument has proofs to suggest they speak the truth they are to submit it to a DM as well.
The team will not take any sides until we are supplied with the aforementioned material. You can be a regular adventurer, a Militiaman or even a Lord - If we come to a case where its a clear case of He said/She said, proof will be required from the player. This is not negotiable. This is to ensure there is proper handling of such cases.
Players can request DMs to be present during such arguments to monitor if things were said or not for later use.
Fabricating screenshots/logs to try and force a DM to wrongfully pick your side is a serious offense. Those caught doing this may be penalized by having their involved Character wiped from the vault. Continued offenses may result in Banning.
Please take heed of this.
I cannot believe I'm having to bump this. Really, I thought we were all mature enough to get it. This included 'he said/she said" between players, as well as between players and DMs.
Toxic behaviors will get you banned. Period.
Mom has spoken, put her foot down, and counted to three.