Faction Closure: Arabel Court
The DMs have decided that the Court isn't working out well and it will be closing as a DM faction. Everwatch Knights will no longer exist, however Heralds/Advisors may still be applied for as part of the Red Harts faction.
This was partly due to the fact that we got rather limited interest in such a politically heavy faction, and of those apps we received most seemed to be for evil characters who had no common Agenda with the Queen, or those who didn't fit at all (Ambassadors from other countries/kingdoms which didn't make any sense as advisors to Lhal due to blatant conflict of interest)
Because the Red Hart are the main force supporting the Queen's rule, we felt it appropriate that Heralds/Advisors could still exist but act as a liason to the Knights in this faction. The IC events related to this change are minimal as little has changed politically, rather this was a good opportunity to display the close relationship between the Queen and Red Harts.
We'll be updating the forums and module over the next couple of days to reflect these changes.