Spell Alteration
A wizard (or sorcerer) can alter spells they know to achieve different effects.
Altering spells is done through reagents. A reagent can be any item found in the game world. Simply target a reagent and cast a spell. If the reagent is one that affects this spell, the spell will be changed to the new spell when cast and the reagent will be consumed. Casters can alter spells using reagents spontaneously.
Scribing Spell Alteration Scrolls
If a wizard or a sorcerer has discovered a combination of reagent and spell that results in a new spell, a scroll of the altered spell can be scribed. This is done by targeting the reagent and casting the spell on a blank scroll, similar to how regular scribing works. The cost of scribing a spell alteration scroll is the same as what the base spell would cost.
This scroll can be used as a consumable (like a regular scroll) for the new spell.
Wizards and sorcerers however, can target these scrolls using the PC tool to alter a memorized spell. If for example, a wizard targets a scroll of "Spirit Projection", the next time he casts spell X, he will get the spell "Spirit Projection".
A wizard can also use the tool to target multiple scrolls one after another, and the next time he casts all associated spells, they will be altered. If a scroll is targeted a second time, it will discard the alteration and go back to the original spell.
However, you cannot target alteration scrolls in a hostile situation, so it is essential for wizards to "prepare" these alterations beforehand. However, you can still alter spells in combat or otherwise using reagents. A sorcerer can, however, use scroll alterations in combat. These scrolls represent alteration pages in your spellbook, and can be taken from the player by other players. In this event, the other players can use this altered spell the same way, even if they have no knowledge of what reagent was used to scribe the scroll.
Resting will wipe all the alteration dweomers from memory, so it will be necessary to re-target desired scrolls after rest.
It is not possible to "copy" alteration scrolls. That is, to target a scroll and attempt to scribe another scroll. A reagent is necessary for scribing.
Not all items act as reagents, and not all spells are alterable. It is left to the individual players to research reagent and spell combinations and scribe alteration scrolls.
Spell Examples
We have kept as close to PnP as possible, so many familiar spells may show up such as Prestidigitation, Larloch's Minor Drain, Melf's Minute Meteors, Boreal Winds, Shatter, Protection from Petrification, et al. There are also custom spells such as those from the sorcerer themes, and other new ones that keep the flavor of the source material; e.g. Premonition: Lesser, Least Spell Mantle, or the Power Syllable series of spells (which are less powerful versions of the Power Word spells).
Work in Progress
There are currently 40+ spells that can be discovered, spread over multiple spell levels and schools and we've been adding new spells very frequently (sometimes daily!) for players to discover. A reagent that did not work today might work a week down the line. Naturally, this system will never be "complete" as new spells can be and are constantly added.
- Altered spells will always be of the same school as a base spell. If you find a reagent that alters evocation, the result is also an evocation.
Final Comments:
There are several powerful spells that require extremely rare reagents to discover. Alteration Scrolls of these spells would be highly prized, indeed. Both by allies and by covetous wizards who desire power but can't be bothered to gain it the hard way. Hints may be found as to what reagents affect what spells. This knowledge might be found in ancient spellbooks, or by NPCs whom you have gained the favour of.
Divulging recipes for spell alterations in OOC channels is metagaming, and will be treated as such. This is pretty obvious, but a reminder is given nonetheless.
Wizards who have memorized spell alterations using scrolls can view what spells were changed via the crafting menu.
There should be two new options, one for listing all spells altered, one for discarding all alterations from memory.
Whenever you cast an altered spell, you should get a message like "You have cast spell X".
When you target a custom scroll, you should get a message saying "You have memorized X".
If these messages don't appear, it's a bug and the spells won't work. Report it in exploits.
All bugs for this system are to be posted in the exploits forum. Bugs posted in the bugs forum will be deleted.
Wizard Grimoire
As of the next version(V3831) every Wizard that logs in will be given their even own Wizard Grimoire. This Wizard Grimoire will function in various ways and is tailored for the use of Alterations.
How does it work?
- Target the Grimoire itself or your PC to gain access to the list of your currently known Alterations. This list is ordered by Spell Circles.
- Target an Alteration Scroll with your Grimoire to add it to your Grimoire. Remember that you can only add the Alteration scroll once, and that you can only add Alterations up to the same circle you are proficient in. This means a Level 1 Wizard cant add an Alteration from the 2nd circle etc. You can only scribe Alteration scrolls into your Grimoire and not normal scrolls.
- Target a potential reagent with your Grimoire to try and use it. If you altered a spell and tried to use a new reagent, and its not a reagent it will no longer cast the base spell but rather the altered spell. Do not take this as a sign one spell has more than one reagent. There is no point of using the Grimoire on items such as your Character Token.
- In order to prepare an alteration you have stored in your Grimoire, you can now use dot commands. Here is how these dot commands work:
- Type .alteration {name of the alteration} to prepare and discard the preparation of the alteration. For example .alteration shatter - The name of the alteration must be accurate and be written exactly as it is written in your Grimoire(Excluding case sensitivity all other things must be kept such as punctuation and spaces).
- These dot commands will not work while in combat so you may want to prepare said alterations beforehand.
- There is a 6 seconds(round) delay between each dot command use.
- In order to discard all your prepared alterations type .alteration discard all
- If you prepared one alteration and then another and they are both using the same base spell, only the second alteration will be active.
- Even after logging off/reset the alterations you prepared and didnt discard stay in your Grimoire.
- For things like Flame Weapon element altering, Summoning Themes and selecting a Reagent for the Animate Dead Spell or Alteration - Keep using the PC Mode Switch.
As a by-product Sorcerers will no longer be able to use alteration scrolls. This is a temporary nerf as we currently work to revamp the entire Sorcerers Themes to give them their own unique features and differentiate them from Wizards.
Some of you were given very powerful Alteration scrolls from DMs, when they didnt consider you will learn the Reagent. Since the Grimoire will now allow this, we ask that you exercise some common sense on what sharing and not sharing with other players(At least not easily).
Another big revamp will go into effect soon after to make past knowledge of reagents from past characters futile.