NWN 2 scripts compatibile with NWN1
So I have a question for scripting experts here; Is there any possibility that a script originally designed for NWN 2 could be modified to work with NWN1?
Yes. You can change them to make it compatible.
Thats good to know. Perhaps there are some cool NWN2 scripts out there we can use for CoA
Another question here regarding this subject; does anyone know if its possible to take a NWN2 tileset and convert it to be useable for NWN1? Would be pretty damn cool
It would be more effort than it would be worth. There would be massive resolution issues including poly counts, nevermind textures, add to that the fact that NWN 2 likely has more vertical possibilities than NWN 1 (more 3d than 2.5D, probably, not entirely sure) and you have one hell of a task ahead of you.
The answer is yes, essentially, but boy… I would not want to take on that project.