Wildwalker Markers within Tethgard not providing text
Version 8209
Tethgard (I don't have the name handy, sorry)We took a group out there and our druid was unable to get any text from the markers. When clicked on they simply did nothing except for the one in the main chamber at the end of the 'dungeon'. That one worked fine, but none of the others did.
Same with the seal, despite it giving non-druidic speakers 'this language is incomprehensible to you' feedback.
I think the seal was meant to be in Netherse.
I reported it a long time ago but couldn't get back to check it.
Still bugged though
which druid was with you? it may be that they dont have the language token for some reason
Their name is Pylia Meir.
From what I understand they didn't get any feedback either, like it was just a random clickable.
tested, idk wtf bbq
will continue to look into it -
@Echo the druidic ruins are back to not working..I went to the one in halluk forest were raven statue is and got nothing from the druidic ruin there
Is this happening with all languages or just druidic?
@Echo just dridic that I know of
just tested in game and it worked for my subject