Removal of Revolutionary Idealism
I recommend removal of all glorification and association with "Revolution" from official lawbooks and names of public spaces. I acknowledge the history of the Free Kingdom must be maintained and should not ever be purged from monuments, museum pieces, or the library, however, the period following the revolution was a dark time of chaos, disorder, and tyranny that slowly found its way back to lawful order. Continued harkening to the revolutionary past promotes further chaos and entices breaks from good order and discipline.
We should use the past as lessons to form a better future and focus on the way forward to a more secure, ordered, and structured Feudal Arabel. Many of those committing crimes and causing havoc today are leaning on the glory days of the revolution to justify their actions. I recommend focusing more on House Goldfeather, the Free Kingdom of Arabel, Tymora's City, and House Cormaeril as inspirations going forward to replace the revolutionary ideas.
What is this Tyche you speak of?
It's Tymoras city.
The revolution is still popular with many and it wouldn't be popular to wash it away
Arabel is always free spirited.
There is no intention to wash it away, just to no longer use it as the foundation of our law and identity. I do not recommend any kind of announcement or greater call to remove the revolutionary idealism, merely going forward to no longer use it as the basis for everything. No more naming buildings after the revolution, no more using "revolutionary ideals" in the lawbook, etc. I would be against removing any monuments, books, or history of the Kingdom's past, merely cease all glorification of it going forward to create respect and trust in the feudal kingdom structure. Yuta, for example, is using the glorification of the revolution to justify her crimes and you will see more like her the longer we refuse to move on from the revolution and embrace a new ordered society.
Please do not take my suggestion as a way to wipe away the past, instead, to move on from it and embrace the future.
This is no a matter in regards of the lawbook, thereby dismissed.
The Arbiter of Arabel