Stalled Plots
Now that most of the Holiday MadnessTM has concluded I want to take a look at what plots are stalled and where you all are on them. Please use the Player Plot Ticket System on Discord so that all of the Team can see your posts. Include what the plot was about, what you had done towards the plot (you can link me to forum posts as long as they're concise?), and which DM was running the stuff for you. I will do my best to guide/direct/refocus and wrap up whatever we can in a timely manner.
Hope you all had a good break and are ready to move forward. -
my playtime is incredibly limited and I frankly cannot see any of my plots through till mid February at the earliest.
I will not begrudge or hold it against any player involved in my stuff to simply move on.
Players that do will be 100% compensated for their perseverance.
I'm back storytelling and looking to help with stuff - let me know what you're up to and need help with!