Kobold Stronghold - Haunted Halls
Module version - 7780
Quest name - Kobold Stronghold, Haunted Halls
Quests giver - A lamp thing
ZQA: Kobold Stronghold
Level range - 4 to 10
Party requirements - 2 upwards
Number of people that did the quest - 3
Party composition with levels - Level 10 fighter, level 10 sorcerer, level 6 cleric
Quest turn in gp and xp - 1050gp and 175xp at level 10Nice quest, spawns are much harder that the boss who was sat in the corner of the last room having had the mobs cleared before him, and just took a beating.
The mob spawn in the last room is a bit jarring as you get swamped with spells as soon as you enter, but wasn’t too bad.
Might even class it as “hard” given the number of spells the spawns cast at once - I doubt I’d try it with just two people.
Loot was lacking, just some bits of generic prestige however Echo stated a loot chest had been removed in error.
We did it with two players (lvl 8 bard and lvl 10 bard/fighter), and did not make it past the second spawn. The number of enemies with spells, combined with dispel, made it impossible to do. Adelaide was to near death in about 30 seconds.
toned down the number of casters per group and the number of creatures per group
fixed the loot chests, buffed the boss -