Player Base Resetting
Area name: ZZA: High Road, Putrid Meadow
Issue Location: Associated Player Base
Server Version: 7626-7627
Screen Shot: N/A
Time: 07/09/2022-07/10/2022Issue Description:
The player bases are meant to remain yours for a week or two before resetting. However, I have been re-acquiring the key since V7626.
I had not noticed this problem prior to this. It might have existed, but I suspect it's something that changed in V7626 given the timeline. Can't be sure though. Either way, I do believe that similar bugs have been reported before, so have at thee.
@paramour The key container inside the base spawns a key for you (maybe each reset) in case you want to share it with friends. Is that what is happening, or are you finding that the base is appearing as "unclaimed" and unlocked?
Unclaimed and unlocked.
I could get in again, and switch keys, but it would do that every reset.