Orc Assault by the Masoner's Bridge
Witness, Mr Miel Shepard
Reporter, Ethel Cicely Blythe
Time, some days prior to this report
Threat, Orc Warband, 23ish orcs in total headed towards BospirSummary, a orc warband came to raid Bospir through the passage from Masoner's Bridge. Some orcs even swam across the river and went through the nearby trees to have an advantage against the adventurers protecting Bospir. Many orcs fell, however the Warlord escaped and remains a threat.
Conclusion, Bospir is at risk of orc attacks, and the Warlord's location remains unknown.
Solution, supporting Mr Miel Shepard in his effort to protect Bospir.
Ranger Miel Shepard has paid for the services of the Tilverton Ravens in defense of the Bospir Village until the end of this month (48 hours).
-J. Rawen