The Haunted Halls
I shall place here the notes and findings related to the haunted Halls, that the Temple be better placed to end the undeath therein.
The Halls are reporrtedly constructed by dwarves many years ago, for a fee paid by an unknown sponsor. They appear typical of many such dwarven places though they have a mixed decoration - some elven items, siginifcantly a large picture depicting some elves with dark lances if i remeber scorrectly.
A cannibal has been seen within the Halls, two voices repeating the same incident have been made known to me - Ect the warrior and Levi the mage.
There is a hall of statuary that seems almost lifelike. We considered the possiblity that they awere creatures that had been petrified. There was a symbol scratched on the wall to one end of the gallery {an image is copied down of an S with a circle added to the tail of the letter resting upon an inverted Y}.
There are tombs within the Halls that have been broken open, though it appears that not every tomb has been shattered. It is also unclear if the breakage was done from within or without.
The dragon kin have been of assistance along with the Tyrran in addition to those two named above, i suspect that i shall require one versed in the finding of hidden things if i am to explore the halls to their fullest extent.
Aland, blood of the light
In my most recent delving i have noticed in the upper levels a petrified goblin, further evidence that lend towards our theory of the statuary below being petrified creatures...