Case File: The Black Tower Hydra
Stumbled upon the creature's lair late at night with Sister Nethki, we returned to the surface with the information gathered concocted a plan.
We returned the same night with Meat and poison I'd prepared along with an extra blade from Mikul. We let the beast feast until it took effect. Ambushing the beast while it vomited violently into the waters of the Cavern. The Battle itself took a fair amount of time, with the poison and Nethki's magic limiting the creatures strength to manageable levels.
The beast has been felled and the carcass claimed by the Precept Arcanum for research and eventual display in the Precept Menagerie.
Unfortunately matters are not concluded with it's death, upon dissection I found the beast to be gravid. It appears to have laid a clutch somewhere in the region, and that suggest there may be more than one Hydra we're dealing with.
The Precept shall continue to hunt the beast, and show the lot of you why we're here in Arabel.
-Blood Dragon, Naresh Sabzvari
Well done, Naresh. A well deserved victory. The last bit about the hydra laying eggs is however deeply unsettling. From my limited knowledge, hydras spread quickly. It needs to be contained, before they upset the balance of the wilderness needlessly.
Any information as to where you encountered the beast, or how you slew it beyond poison and magic will be of great aid, as we go search for the eggs.
Speaking honestly, we used Enervation and Ternivev root. Beyond that, it was combat prowess. Myself and Mikul held the line and forced the creature on the back foot while Nethki managed our enchantments. It delved into the water on occasions, but the vomiting kept the creature from fully utilizing it's acid breath. The creature's corpse is being taken apart by the Bloodhounds as we speak and being brought back to the Sanctum for further research it's lair is in the caverns only ten meters from the West gate. I can show you if you've the time to for it.
-Blood Dragon, Naresh Sabzvari