News from the Wilderness
Fellow Council Members,
I rarely see most of you outside the city walls, so as the Voice of the Wildwalkers, I shall do my best to be your eyes and ears in the forests.Of note, there are currently a few matters which you deserve to be made aware of.
The Undead of Southhorn
I have been assisting the warrior Mikul with finding an end to the curse of the Southorn, the one that makes the dead wander. The shepherds of the forests spoke of a Crimson Guard, once coming into contact with the spirit of a knight in the Southhorn, who sought a champion to lift the curse. Mikul has been trained by me to fight the unliving, and he has made solid progress. Soon, I believe him worthy to try and make the Knight reach out, so we may learn more of the curse, and how it can be lifted. Mikul has had many encounters with powerful unliving agents, and has come out victorious so far. Any assistance you can offer him in this regard, is most welcome. If none have time, we shall merely keep you updated on our progress.Undead zombies spotted in the wild
I have of late encountered several zombies, many of them very recently deceased. So far I have only spotted them north of the city, and my last encounter I found a red stinger, a creature I have only ever spotted on the road to Tilverton. It leads me to believe that the necromancer may frequent the Moonsea Ride. If you see them yourselves on your travels, please alert us, and we shall try to narrow down the origin.Giant Slugs and abberations in the Kings Forest
Like unwelcome weeds, these giant slugs, cubes of slime and many spiders have of late infested the woods of my charge. I have also seen an increase in Purple Dragon scouting patrols in the region, and they grow increasingly bold. The last I found in the caverns running below the forest, very close to Immersea.The lack of wild life in the forest is concerning, but I have yet to find the cause. Perhaps an increase in human presence is the cause. For now, I welcome adventurers to help me keep the pests at bay.The Slaad of the Hullack
Greg says he is close to solving the issue, which originates from Tethgard. If the Council wishes an actual update on his progress, I shall ensure one can be given shortly.-Adrienne Hawthorn
Perhaps this is connected to the undead north of the city, It seems Palus has left the region though
Greg the druid has reported to me that the Malarite Sergi has been asked to provide the bones and flesh of White Stags by Marcus, a tiefling said to be in the service of Tilverton, It is also reported that Marcus has been seeking other blood and reagents, potentially for necromantic rituals.
It is also said that that Palus, a priest of Cyric is seeking bones. Possibly for animation.
It appears Sergi owes Marcus a debt for saving his life, quite what this is since I understand the tiefling claimed a bounty on the Malarite in Eveningstar
Marcus is also known to keep the company of the Precept